Meeting Room Policy

MLJ- Hardin County District Library Meeting Room Policy                 

(AMENDED 6/2017)

The MLJ Hardin County District Library maintains meeting room facilities.  The meeting room is intended to further the library’s mission by facilitating the exchange of diverse information and ideas.

The primary purpose of the meeting room is to promote library services through programs, meetings and other library activities presented by library staff or other organizations affiliated with the library.  When the meeting room is not being used for a library activity, the space will be available to the public for governmental, non-profit, civic, cultural or educational programs or meetings.  Access will be provided on equal terms, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting use.  The library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of any group or individual.  Trade or professional associations are interpreted to be educational groups.  Artistic performances by individuals will be permitted only when co-sponsored by the Library.

The terms for public use of the meeting room is as follows:

Types of Meetings

All meetings must be free and open to the general public.  Organizations conducting business meetings or presenting programs may wish to restrict or limit public comments during all or part of their meeting or programs.  Any such restrictions should in no way interfere with the public’s ability to attend, observe or listen to the program.

Educational courses conducted by non-profit agencies may charge fees for learning materials or course credits, but the program must be open for observation to members of the general public who do not pay fees.

For the purpose of fundraising or book signings, only events sponsored by the library, or other organizations affiliated with the library are permitted.

Meeting room programs must not interfere with library operations or cause a disturbance in the library.   

The use of the library premises for private social functions such as parties or receptions may be permitted on a limited basis.


Meeting rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis during normal Library hours. Library sponsored or co-sponsored programs take precedence over other groups at all times. The library reserves the right to cancel a reservation if the space is required for use by the library or a library related organization.  Except in an emergency, two (2) weeks notice will be given for any cancellation made by the Library. The Library will make every effort to avoid a cancellation but does reserve the right.

Groups can schedule regular meetings no more than twelve (12) weeks in advance. With the exception of library sponsored programs, meeting room use is limited to once a month.  All organizations or groups must complete a Meeting Room Contract form each time they reserve space.  Either at the time of application or after review, verbal or written confirmation from the library must be received before a request has been formally approved. 

The meeting room is available during the hours that the library is open to the public. All meetings must be completed no later than fifteen (15) minutes before the library closes.  Meeting room reservations are scheduled for specific prearranged times.  All meetings and events including time to set up and clean up must take place within the prearranged times. 

The Library cannot guarantee to have assistance available at the time of the event.  Groups are responsible for arranging tables, chairs and other equipment to meet their own needs.   A minimum $25.00 fee for janitorial service will be assessed if the meeting space is not left in original condition/order.  

 As per the local Fire Department, occupancy is limited as follows:

  • Meeting Space with 50 chairs and all tables – 50
  • Meeting Space with chairs only – 75
  • Meeting space free from chairs and tables - 90

Refreshments and light catered meals may be served. Cooking is not permitted. Nor is use of the staff lounge/kitchen area.  Food and beverages must be consumed in the meeting room only. Groups must supply their own serving supplies. Any leftover food or beverages will be disposed of at the discretion of the library. Users are responsible for cleaning up and restoring the room to its original condition before leaving. A minimum $25.00 fee for janitorial service will be assessed if the meeting space is not left in original condition.

Burning candles, Sterno or other flammable substances are prohibited.

Without prior approval from the library Director, live animals are prohibited unless they are needed to assist a visitor with a disability.

No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed in the library.

Nothing may be affixed or mounted in any way to the walls or ceiling.

Cancellations should be made as soon as possible in order to make the space available for others.  See refund section below.

The library retains the right to deny the space to any user whose planned use of the space does not comply with these terms.  The library Director has final say in meeting room decisions.


The library assumes no liability for theft or damage to property brought onto library property or for injuries which occur as a result of actions of sponsors or participants during activities taking place in meeting rooms. 

The individual or group reserving a meeting room will be held responsible for the order and conduct of the group and for any loss or damage to library property. Young children accompanying adult users of the meeting room shall not be left unattended in the library.  Minors are not permitted to use meeting rooms without adult supervision.

Any abuse or misuse of facilities will be sufficient cause to deny the use of library meeting rooms in the future.

Contracts, Fees and Refunds

Persons or groups must submit a completed Meeting Room Contract form Circulation Desk at least ten (10) days before the event.  The reservation is not confirmed until the form has been submitted; approved and full payment has been made.

For non-library sponsored meetings or events, a fee will be charged. There is a nominal charge for ordinary use of a meeting room:

$20 for nonprofit groups, cultural, educational or governmental or private social groups, parties or receptions

$50 for profit or businesses

All fees are due when the application is submitted.  All monies paid will be refunded if the library, for whatever reason, is unable to provide space.  If there is a cancellation by the group itself, notification must be received by the Library at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the event for a refund to be issued.

Information Materials and Endorsements

Use of meeting room does not constitute Library sponsorship and/or endorsement. No individual or group may state or imply Library endorsement or sponsorship of events in the library meeting room without written approval from the Library Director.  To establish the fact that the MLJ Hardin County District Library is not sponsoring the event, all publicity which uses the name of the library must include the statement: “Sponsored by…” (the name of the organization reserving the room).  Announcements or publicity must include an address or telephone number other than the Library as a contact for information.

Material such as pamphlets and flyers may be posted or distributed within the meeting space.

Failure to comply with meeting room policy or rules may result in loss of meeting room privileges including immediate termination of a meeting by appropriate library personnel.